Garcinia indica essence

Garcinia indica essence

 Ingredients --- Ten to fifteen amsule, half a teaspoon of cumin, salt, large lemonade, washed and finely chopped cilantro, asafoetida, one tablespoon of fine ghee, half to one pound liter of water, (four to five cups) curry leaves, etc.

 Action -------

Take water in a pan and add amsule to it. When it starts boiling, add salt and jaggery. Be sure to report feedback.

Tip-- Amsule should be crushed in water. Then strain the water. Adding cumin seeds and sugar in it removes cold sores.

In case of sour and bitter belching, add salt and pepper in kokum juice.

In case of bloating and stomach ache, take two to four amsuls, granulated sugar and salt.

Kokum (Amsul) syrup should be taken in case of hot flashes, vomiting, sore throat, heat, burning, acne etc.

If bile rises on Gandhi's body, crush the amsul and rub it there. Amsula syrup should also be taken twice a day.
