Home remedies to stay in sugar control
Home remedies to stay in sugar control
Many people have diabetes and need to be careful not to increase it, so some home remedies along with medication pills can lower sugar.
1. Take fresh basil leaves every day and drink its juice or just eat raw leaves
2. Caraway is a great remedy for sugar. Take caraway juice twice a week to keep sugar under control.
3. Heat fenugreek seeds in water and drink it
4. Cinnamon is a great remedy. Boil cinnamon in water and drink it
5. Aloe vera is also a great remedy. Extracting aloe vera juice and drinking it helps in maintaining sugar
6. Purple leaves are also useful in sugar control. You can drink purple leaves and juice every morning and evening.
7. Dry the leaves and grind them
8. Use curry leaves daily while cooking and bite the curry leaves while eating
9. Don't eat too much sugar
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