How to make lemon syrup even better
How to make lemon syrup even better
When making lemon syrup, add not only lemon juice but also lemon peel in the water. This will make the lemon syrup taste better. You will also get lemon peel extract.
How to keep dried fruits well
As you may have noticed, dried fruits often become powdery or moldy if left for too long. To prevent this from happening, always keep dried fruits in an air tight container and keep them in the fridge.
Lettuce should not be sour
When we make a salad before a guest arrives, but it is often sour. Remember, to avoid this, add all the ingredients in the curds already but do not add salt. When the salad grows, add salt so that it does not become sour.
Proper recipe for making potato parathas
Often when the potato paratha is rolled, the essence comes out or the paratha breaks. To prevent this from happening, the dough should be soft while kneading and there is no need to apply medium pressure while rolling the paratha. This will prevent the saran from coming out and the paratha from cracking.
How to store ginger paste
Adding ginger paste makes the food taste good. Therefore, ginger paste is added to many foods. If you want to store ginger paste for many days, mix one teaspoon of mustard oil in it. This does not spoil the ginger paste.
Eggs do not crack while boiling
Don't worry if the eggs explode while boiling. While boiling the eggs, add a little salt to the water and then boil the eggs. Then the eggs will be boiled nicely.
If the vessel is damaged due to exposure to a substance
If a dish is damaged during a meal, it will be difficult to clean. If this happens, add the remaining tea and water to the pot for a while. Then clean the pot and it will shine.
How To sharpen the blade of the mixer
Frequent use of the mixer sometimes damaged the blade and reduced the edge. To avoid this, add salt to the mixer bowl at least once a month and stir it. This will improve the edge of the blade.
How make soft idlis
Add a little boiled rice to the flour to make the idli soft and fluffy. Also add ino or baking soda. Doing so will soften the idlis and make the tummy swell
How To avoid tears in the eyes when cutting onions
If you cut the onion properly, you will never get tears in your eyes. To do this, first remove the top skin of the onion and hold the onion under water and then chop the onion. There will be no tears in your eyes.
How To make crispy okra
Do not add salt immediately while cooking to make the lamb sticky. When the vegetables are cooked, add salt or you can add lemon juice to the vegetables. This will make the okra sticky and tasty.
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